
Open or Closed? Reservoirs, That Is

Friday, April 18, 2014 - by Water2Drink

Headlines this week report a young man in #Portland, Oregon was arrested for urinating through a fence into the #MountTabor Reservoir #5. Additionally, two other men tried to scale the fence, and one of those men actually entered the water.

While it might seem like a harmless prank, the city decided to drain the reservoir – all 38 million gallons – because of the type of reservoir.  This reservoir, one of five in Portland, is an open reservoir that holds water that already has been treated and flows directly into the water mains to customers.

You may agree with the city regarding the dumping of this treated water or you may not.  But with an open reservoir, the possibilities for contamination are endless.  Urine (either human or animal), surrounding land use run off, animal carcasses, or algal growth may all contribute to reservoir contamination.

Is your water sourced from an open reservoir?  Whether it is open or closed, or from a water treatment plant, wouldn’t you want to ensure that you have a final barrier to contaminants in your drinking water? An effective point-of-use water filtration system will give you peace of mind that the water in your glass is safe to drink.  

Visit to determine which point-of-use filter would work best for your family, or call for advice in selecting your #Multipure filter.

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