
Is Your Curiosity Insatiable?

Monday, November 2, 2015 - by Water2Drink

It’s human nature to want to learn all about a topic that interests us. Technology today brings a world of information to our fingertips; with just a few clicks on a computer, you can begin or continue a journey of discovery and information that would have been impossible just a few decades ago. likes to occasionally share sources of information that are meaningful to our customer’s knowledge base about drinking water and water issues. While our website,, contains a tremendous amount of information about Multipure International’s family of Drinking Water Systems, along with the ability to directly order #drinkingwater products on our secured network, we also like to provide links to information through our blog and website. For example, you can connect with the Environmental Drinking Water Database from our homepage (under “Useful Links”), enter your zip code or water company name, and receive instantaneous information regarding your local water utility’s water quality report. #Water2Drink also provide links on our website to all #Multipure product documentation, so you can quickly and easily find the answers you need from the Owner’s Manuals and Performance Data Sheets.

Another resource that can provide you with information is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Were you aware that the #EPA operates a Safe Drinking Water Hotline? According to the EPA website, the hotline responds to questions regarding these areas of water service and standards:
  • Local drinking water quality
  • Drinking water standards
  • Public drinking water systems
  • Source water protection
  • Large capacity residential septic systems
  • Commercial, and industrial septic systems
  • Injection wells
  • Drainage wells invites you to explore the wealth of information on our website, including our Resource Center. Our Resource Center goes beyond technical descriptions of the Multipure Drinking Water Systems, providing information on how to choose the best drinking #waterfilter for your needs, product performance information, health information, #FAQs… the list goes on and on!

Visit Water2Drink or call us today if your curiosity about healthy water has drawn you to seek answers!

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